

Dioctyltin dilaurate is a chemical compound with the molecular formula (C8H17)2(C11H23COO)2.

Product Name: Dioctyltin dilaurate 3648-18-8

Product Code: DOTDL

English Name: Dioctyltin dilaurate (DOTDL)

CAS No.: 3648-18-8

Molecular formula: C40H80O4Sn


Chinese name




Molecular formula


Molecular weight.


Melting point.



0,998 g/cm

Flash point.


Refractive index.




White solid, light yellow transparent liquid when molten

This product has very good lubricity, weathering resistance, transparency, no sulphur pollution and no bleeding. Its lubricity is good in organic tin, thermal stability is relatively low in organic tin, and has a preliminary colour, used with fluent organic tin and barium-cadmium soap stabilizers, with a coordinated effect.

This product is mainly used in the processing of PVC soft films and tubes used in food and pharmaceutical packaging. It is also used as a lubricant for rigid and transparent food packaging materials. It is also used as a catalyst for medical silicone rubber and as a drying agent for paints.

Light yellow transparent liquid, internationally recognized as a non-toxic organotin stabilizer. It has very good lubricity, weatherability, transparency and compatibility, no sulphation contamination and no bleeding. Its lubricity is the best of the organotins. However, its thermal stability is the lowest of the organotins and it has a preliminary colour.

It is suitable for use with thiol type organotins or with cadmium barium soap type stabilisers with synergistic effect.

This product is mainly used for the processing of soft PVC films and tubes used in food and pharmaceutical packaging. It is also used as a lubricant for rigid and transparent food packaging materials at a dosage of 1.5 parts per mass or less. Also used as a catalyst for medical silicone rubber.



Store at room temperature, away from light, in a ventilated and dry place, sealed



Store in sealed containers in a cool, dry place. The storage area must be locked and the keys must be kept by the technical experts and their assistants. The storage area must be kept away from oxidising agents and away from water.

Packaged in universal plastic and plastic sprayed iron or glass containers and transported according to general chemical management regulations.



Packaging: glass containers, plastic containers, metal vessels resistant to chlorine corrosion are preferable for storage in sealed containers. Store in a cool, dry place, keep the container sealed and avoid contact with oxides. Do not breathe dust and avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes. No smoking, eating or drinking in the workplace. Shower and change clothes after work. Store contaminated clothing separately and wash before use. Maintain good hygiene practices.

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  • by Published on 2022-12-29 09:13:40
  • Reprinted with permission:https://www.ohans.cn/11841.html